Support us

The Villae are a fragile and precious legacy, a shared heritage that needs the support of every one of us for its upkeep and preservation.

The inestimable value of an area that actually includes two UNESCO Heritage Sites needs the participation of all if it is to continue to represent a permanent historical record of our culture. The places that make up the group of sites are incredibly vast and this is why significant financial and human resources are required to maintain and preserve the beauty they enshrine.

Private funding in support of our institution could ensure that the work to preserve the Villae heritage would be better and more complete.

Your help would also enable us to enhance the services offered to the public and invest greater resources in research and training, thereby contributing towards strengthening the relationship between the Villae and the community with which it is in rapport.

In Italy, taxpayers can decide to donate a small amount (half a percent) of their income tax via their tax returns to support certain organizations.

The Villae are among the organizations which can benefit from such donations.

These contributions help us to preserve and maintain the extensive park areas around the Villae and to organize quality events and exhibitions.

Support us by entering Tax Code 94074240584 in your tax return.


The MiC (Ministry of Culture) campaign entitled Mecenati di oggi per l’Italia di domani (Today’s Sponsors for the Italy of Tomorrow) encourages the support of companies and citizens in the protection and enhancement of Italy’s public cultural heritage. Such sponsors can, in fact, benefit from tax credit equal to 65% of the donated sum.

Details about the project and how to donate can be found at Art Bonus.

Access the Maritime Theatre – Villa Adriana project (in Italian)


No project can become reality without the cooperation and participation of various different organizations.

The Villae management is willing to assess collaborative projects able to promote private partners and their businesses, thereby creating value for the Tivoli area and its heritage.