
Why have an Exhibition Office? The decision to create an Exhibition Office was one of the most qualifying and representative strategies of the new direction that the recently instated Management wished the Institute to take.

From this perspective, exhibitions are no longer occasional and contingent events, but an integral part of the life of the Institute and the enhancement projects it proposes by highlighting the potential of the different locations.

Consistency with the mission of the Institute, with the history of the sites that are a part of it and the different figures they embody, the scientific and innovative value – all of which will add to the process of knowledge – will become the central focus of every new exhibition project, with a glance towards the future but also the desire to piece together the mosaic of an identity.

This project is based on: medium- and long-term planning, the establishment of important relationships and partnerships with Italian and foreign museums and cultural organizations and ongoing dialogue with the surrounding area.

Increasing attention is being paid to exhibition design: exhibition decor not only contributes to making an event more enjoyable, but also assists in the interpretation of the works by recreating a unique atmosphere where the visitor becomes the focus of a one-in-a-lifetime experience.


For further info: villaexhibitions@cultura.gov.it